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Arbete på väg - Step 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) (E-Learning)

Training Reguirements 

The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) requires that you have the right skills and education to work at a road workplace. The purpose with the requirements is to create a safe work environment for road workers, and at the same time ensure a safe passage for road users. There are different levels of competence requirements for various types of assignments.

Target group

This e-learning is for you who require a basic competence for performing road work at a road workplace, and also for you who might operate or work with road maintenance vehicles.

After completing this course you will have had training and competence requirements about:
  • Laws and regulations
  • Road users and accident prevention work
  • Road authorities
  • Work environment
  • Designing a safe road work area
  • Traffic and safety devices
  • Traffic regulation
  • Protective devices
  • Road maintenance vehicles
  • Unprotected road users
You will be given questions along the course, and also a subtest and a final exam that you must pass to receive your certificate.

How it works

You can take the training on a computer, tablet or smartphone. 
After you have booked the training, you will receive a mail with a link to the training so you can log in and start immediately! 
You have up to two months to log in and complete the training. 
If you take a break, you end up in the same place where you left off. 

Previous knowledge

No previous knowledge needed.


Per participant: 2490 SEK excluding VAT

Included in the course fee:

  • digital education certificat
  • register your certificate in the ID06 Competence Database


Per person 2 490 SEK exkl. moms